Saturday, May 28


My Darling, I am ready to put my head in to the mouth of lion ,but today I am not able to meet you,because it is raining and I have no umbrella.

- # Shahbuddin Rathod

Wednesday, May 4


what did u do that was not a mistake ,but what will u don't that could be ..


Never forgets tht ur weapon is made by the lowest bidder - Murphy

Friendly fire - isnt it ? - Murphy .........US <-> OBL ( is it call FRIENDLY FIRE ?? )

Smile .... Tomoro will be worse - Murphy

When a man's wife starts to understand him , she usually stop listening to him... - Murphy

The good once die first - Murphy

Murphy's are funny but most of negative///


one is running coz one is not afraid


salaame ishq ,,,,,,,

anjli - hi , m anjali ,,,,

anil - hi , and I am married ....

Boom boom


When was kid nd saw a fat woman - voice were coming from saul - jadi paddi bhim pataki


Let me get this straight -- bin Laden lived in mountain caves then moved to a mansion in an affluent suburb?

Sadaam founded at cave ,, Osama founded at mention ,, obama founded at white house ,, and i founded at twitter


WTH lots f Yellow journalism roomin aroud..need 2 kno Dr. Zakir Nair'-wht he s goin 2 burn,WTH people say he s mind washer,sowie m not agree

May be the making of Yellow pages is been idea by Yellow journalism ,,yellow yellow dirty fellow ...


Obm-Osm =after the cat caught the mouse,it died is an ambiguous

Sunday, May 1


whenever we write something , it embolized our impression and emotionz ,so don't be careful ;-}

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During Exams , Friends were telling ,,Concept must clear ,,  you will be able to write anything ;-)

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if you can not beat them , join them
- 0679445544

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